Beyond The Scale


A 3-month 1:1 transformational program for the woman who wants to feel happy and confident in her mind and body

  • Take your power back
  • Ditch the diet mentality
  • Learn to prioritise yourself
  • Love your body and yourself
  • Change the way you speak to yourself

Have you been chasing the number on the scale for years thinking it’s going to bring you happiness?

Would you like not only to lose weight but become so happy and confident that you never have to worry about weight again?

It’s time to detoxify your mind from limiting beliefs and mean thoughts and create lasting changes that go beyond eating less and exercising more!

When you change the way you feel about yourself, taking care of your body becomes easy.

You keep promises you made to yourself and can experience everything your body has for you to offer.

I used to struggle with my weight. I tried different diets, and exercised 7 times per week but never saw long-lasting results. At some point I realized that physical changes were not enough, that’s why I’ve started looking at my mindset, discovering my self–sabotage, limiting beliefs, and learning that there was more under the surface.

After doing the inner work, removing limiting beliefs and self–sabotage, I now look after myself because I know I deserve to be the healthiest and the happiest version of myself.

It’s time to love yourself again!

What my clients say about working with me:

Dear Ania I wanted to thank you for the fantastic 8 weeks spend in your programme. During this 8 weeks I have not just learnt to appreciate exercising more- to the point that I really enjoyed some of the workouts when I hated them before – but also I have fully discovered the benefits of intermittent fasting and it’s now part of my lifestyle. I feel me head clearer, my energy levels are higher and on top of that I have lost 4.5 kg!!!???????????? I’m thrilled. I love the way you tailored this programme to make it enjoyable and effective to me. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ????????????????


My coaching with Ania has been about so much more than just getting physically fit and strong. It’s become about increasing my personal power in all areas of my life. It’s become about letting go and transforming limiting beliefs. It’s become about choosing myself in everything I do. Physical fitness and power turned out to be a natural byproduct of this work and its ripple effects will surely keep unfolding in the next weeks and months. I have made significant changes in my habits and way of being after such a long time of being stuck. I have reconnected with myself more fully. Thank you so much, Ania, for everything! ❤️


I had the best time working with Ania. She is not only a fantastic coach but also a wonderful person. She has transformed my life. I ‘ve struggled with a lack of sleep. Low motivation, and self-esteem. Ania has helped me change my habits and improved my life. Last holiday, I felt great in a bikini, without caring that I don’t look like a model. I love my body and am grateful for everything that I have. Thank you so much, Ania!

Daniela S.

What is included in this journey to heal your mind and body:

  • NLP Breakthrough Sessions to remove negative emotions and limiting beliefs – you will learn how to navigate hardships in life without relying on food or alcohol

  • Timeline therapy to heal inner child trauma

  • Creating powerful rituals and healthy boundaries

  • Voxer support from Monday to Friday to help you stay accountable

  • Virtual Personal Training and Personalized Exercise Plan delivered in a special app tailored to your fitness level to help you appreciate and love your body again

  • Nutritional guidance to help you reach your goals without giving up on your favourite foods

You will leave this program understanding yourself, your purpose and your power!

You will feel happy and confident without worrying about your weight and looking after your mind and body will become natural for you!


Beyond The Scale


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Beyond The Scale

3 * £600

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