it starts with you
live interactive workshop
06/01/22 6 – 8 pm gmt
Are you ready to break free from the diet mentality and keep the promises you made to yourself?

Do you roll your eyes every time someone asks you about your New Year’s resolutions, but deep down you know that looking after your health and body would benefit you and your loved ones?
Does your brain tell you ”it’s not going to work” when you start thinking about healthy habits you are going to start from next year?
Do you feel your goals are so unrealistic that you don’t even want to start writing them down because you can hear the voice in your head saying ”it’s impossible!”?
Making yourself and your health a top priority in 2023 can be easier than you think!
What if instead of focusing on big goals you can find joy in small improvements you will feel in your body and mind once you see health and fitness like a beautiful journey that never stops?
Healthy habits don’t start on the 1st of January, they START WITH YOU!
It starts with how we feel about ourselves, the beliefs we hold and addressing those is the answer to sustainable results.

Why do I teach this?
The diet mentality, yo – yo vicious cycle and food drama were ruling my life and stealing joy for way too long!
I remember very well New Year Eve 2015 when I almost threw up after eating an enormous bag of crisps, because the 1st of January 2016 was supposed be the first day of my new, healthy life.
The crash diet didn’t last long, 3 weeks later I was a bit lighter, but totally miserable.
Those cycles lasted until I understood that I can’t wait for anything external like a number on scale to feel happy.
It needs to start from the inside out!
After this workshop:
You will understand why you think you need to be smaller/thinner/ lighter to feel worthy.
You will be able to let go of the negative and limiting beliefs about yourself.
You will know what type of workout will be the best for you and your body type to give you more energy and sustainable results.
You will have tools to stay consistent and keep the promises you made to yourself.
what my clients say about me:

The recording will be available for those who can’t join the live session.